Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It was all beautiful

Since we're approaching the last day of '14 thought I'd take a flashback to whatever happened this year... So many amazing people walked into my life & some left... Great memories happened! I'm thankful for each and every one of them; keep on staying blessed & loving this amazing gift called ''life.'' We only get limited chances, make it a great year!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic

The reason why we fail in life is that we are obsessed with how things appear on the outside instead of worrying about the value created inside: how our neighbors pursue us, what image do our friends create of us, and etc. This drives us to work harder in order to obtain more materials to fulfill the wish of impressing others...what we miss out on the point is that the clothes that we are and degrees/status that we carry has nothing to do with who we are as a person! On that note, chill a little bit, enjoy life more often, and learn to live for yourself. Do not take life too seriously if you want to live in present. Let happiness define you and the positive impact you make on world/individuals/creatures overall!

It just is...

It is easy for each and every one of us to love the person at their best: when they are happy, successful, showering us with the gifts... But it takes courage of the real person to stay -even when things are unpleasant or their partner is not being their best self. To love is handling the person in their most vulnerable times when the person is least lovable. 

It just is
Love just is

Friday, September 5, 2014


From time to time things can go wrong and people can be wrong accordingly. We expect to control others around us and thus remain expectant for them to act in a special way (that we desire). As a matter of fact, people tend to make the wrong choices more than the right choices and that is absolutely fine.
It is fine when we accidentally break things ands relationships or hurt each other's emotions without having real intentions and giving it a second thought.
It is fine if people  open their mouths and disrespect you with the lack of understanding how that made you feel. You know yourself and people like us prefer to stay in the middle; there is no right or wrong, there is just always a way to make things work.
It is fine as long as you have the light, you become the light and everything else starts travelling from inside of you. We are part of a bigger chaos in the world outside and that is fine.
And it is fine when we [sometimes] leave some things/people in the mere hope of better stuff to come up. Not everything is meant to stay...some events are meant to happen in our lives just to form friendships, learn lessons, and gain happiness in the moment. But what all of them are destined into, is to form us into the human being we are today. Make peace with your past and live in the present: whoever matters will stay in your life and if they make the choice to walk away, it is fine.stay loyal to your thoughts and be firm with your words...you are fine...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



How beautiful it is when someone actually digests their words before spitting them out? As someone who is well-known to speak a lot and express her mind freely, I am recently finding it outrageous when a person goes on and on talking, specially in a loud voice... what happened to the respect towards personal space? Not everyone is interested in your loud voice expressing absolutely nonsense! So next time, when you are talking, try speaking only what is necessary, true, and clean. If there is one thing I appreciate a lot, it is words and specifically the beautiful words that come out from a person's mouth: since that is the gate door to their mind. So do not waste words, choose them wisely and with care.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Equilibrium Point

Life is a balance of letting go and holding onto, positives and negatives should be in equilibrium as long as you know when to add up and when to take it away... us, human beings have the tendency of wanting to let go of anything (or anyone) that makes us frustrated/angry/stressed. Having the wrong perception that anybody who loves us will never make us feel that way. WRONG-all the creatures are entitled to the same emotions we go through; if you have someone that loves you, hold on to them and let go of anything or anyone that makes you feel anything but happy. Life is too short to feel anything less and if you love them back, that is just fabulous. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dare to CHANGE

Tomorrow, I am planning on getting lost: take a totally strange path to work, try a different food maybe Vietnamese or something similar to that; travel somewhere new and meet various people, or even listen to another type of music

You find yourself in the rarest, strangest, most impossible paths... Change is liberating, we are united in our differences. 

Boundaries aka I do this my way

Sometimes I like to take a walk towards unknown paths during my lunch break. Today, while reflecting on daily STUFF I came across a thought: I like to be nice and understanding to people merely because I feel like our purpose on this planet is to serve one another. But how important it is to be nice while not getting run over? In other words, to avoid the effect of "door matt" syndrome where you can not say "No" easily to anybody, thus you become taken advantage of...If people know you are going to be there for them for ever no matter how disrespectful/unpleasant their behavior is, do not expect them to value and appreciate you for long. Can setting boundaries help gaining trust when people notice you are sticking to your set standards? I feel like this is something Carrie Bradshaw wouldn't do to Mr. Big since she was afraid of losing him, but didn't she end up losing him after all to a more elegant opponent who won him with a colder attitude? Well duhhh practice makes perfection, so next time I am jumping on saying "Yes" I will make sure not to cross my own borders. Nothing wrong with being a nice human and seeing good in people, just don't over do it!

Friday, July 11, 2014

ap·pre·ci·ate (v): value somebody or something highly: to recognize and like the qualities in somebody or something

Often times we get so caught up with our daily tasks that we jump on complaining about how bad our day goes or what kind of failure creatures we are, we never get what we want,...And it goes on and on. What we don't realize is the amount of negative energy that this brings as not lowering any amount of suffering, but on the contrary adding up to an already bad day. If we take a moment to find appreciation each day for how healthy and blessed we are, not only will we find life more beautiful, but probably will stop comparing ourselves with others! You can find anything good in whatever you put your mind in: a beautiful sunshine, a note from someone you love, great feeling after your work out... it just can be anything! Take a moment to appreciate.

Monday, May 12, 2014

You've got to feel good to receive!

Such a powerful quote: I guess Mondays aren't that bad after all! You get a chance to reflect over your weekend, refreshed get back to your motivation, and turn a new page. It is up to you if you seek affirmation in your surroundings and make the best out of it...incubate yourself to distinguish between what you ''want'' and what you ''need''. The difference is dangerous, do not waste your time on the useless; happy productivity! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Yet another Dan Brown adventure/obsession

It's always the curiosity that gets us going...what are we? Where are we from? Stay hungry, stay curious, watch, learn.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stay real

Fake people will complain about more fake people being fake! Where to put their opinion? Inside the trashcan... Just make sure your time and energy does not end up being in the same place.
 Stay smart, do not buy everyone's crap... your time is more important to invest in your future rather than listening to "this" and "that" (insert the random monkey-laughing-face here!)


Dance music is a rapidly growing trend all over the world nowadays. Originated from Europe, almost all the clubs and radio stations are busting out Electronic Dance Music (or EDM) for the crowds providing the ''serious uplifting energy.'' A few of the many tracks that I am cutrently enjoying |and not to forget that I have been a fan of trance music for over 10 years now| are included but not limited to: -Tiesto's Red Lights, U by Gareth Emery, Aly and Fila's We Control The Sunlight, Colors by Tritonal, Omnia's remix of Lights and Thunder, Armin Van Buuren and Andrew Rayel's Goodbye, and Liberate by Eric Prydz. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

You'll find yourself•••

I feel like the true objective of our creation is to find our self, to discover what our true nature is composed of, and move towards that unity! The goal is to care for each other and by dissolving into one another, realize the hidden dimensions of our self. The universe has so much to offer and we are only tiny little mortal particles floating in there... If you really are looking to reveal your existence, you might want to do something for somebody that can do absolutely nothing back for you; that is what a true character is about: the love of man kind, making earthlings happy through your shine.

Friday, March 28, 2014

On that note, Happy Friday! 🍸


Often times we forget to smile and be happy as a consequence of confusing what we ''want'' with ''1000 reasons to be happy''. So many grumpy people out there who complain overly on a daily basis from their jobs, their mates, oh when is the weekend going to arrive? Bla bla bla... Stop waiting for that moment! Make your life count!! You are in charge of your happiness, so find your passion and let it kill you. Your lifestyle should evolve around your passion and not vice versa ... Maybe you're confusing it?

Monday, March 3, 2014


Photo credit: Museum Of Contemporary Arts, Los Angeles
Hispanic couple getting photographed as skeletons before their second divorce.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strong, happy, spontaneous

Later today I got thinking about encounters: how many times do we get to live? More than once? Life's too short to worry about ''what if's'' and ''buts''...grab someone that you love today and kiss them real hard, passionate! You never know what gift you might get tomorrow, but you know you got today:

Be strong ✔️, be happy ✔️, be spontaneous ✔️

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I enjoy jotting down the lists, I also enjoy crossing them off... Why? Cause I'm probably the best person to multitask and the first one to forget things; ironic enough, I arrive to work 10-15 minutes late on a usual basis with a shrugging smile on my face while crawling apologetically to my desk in front of my boss. But another certain thing that I am good at is to never disappoint someone and conduct tasks with a great passion and love... Even if it takes FOREVER! After all, I think that is pretty much the main reason why I do not get fired, right? :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Definition: Equal political, economic, and social rights for women, collective intelligence through education and employment. I am highly convinced that parents should teach their daughters to be smart instead of growing up competing over guys and worse than that, lack of sexual confidence... A woman does not need a man to define herself sexually, but rather complete her soul, make her a better human being! To me, it is more important to have well-educated civilized women who are aware of their sexuality rather than preparing them just for marriage and the basics. Women should empower each other more instead of hating others, after all it comes down to confidence in oppose to insecurity.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dante Aligieri 1265-1321

''Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.'' The quote from the great man himself, author of Divine Comedy who was forcefully exiled from Florence: