Friday, October 23, 2015

Stop worrying, start Living

This post might quite be more than just a title with a cute picture in it and maybe that is why it took me a while to draft it... I have been taking some time off from writing to really reflect deep inside of me. During this period which lasted about 90 days, I started thinking end of each day, that this was about me and what I wanted to do. What made me happy and what was I upset about. You've got to understand this, one thing that can suck up your happiness is excessive worrying about the unknown future and the events it might carry that are not even here yet. Why waste your time and happiness when you can be just in present and enjoy it? Positive thoughts influence positive events and vice versa. Remember, you are in charge of your joy and no one else can give it to you. No one else can make you blissfull. So stop worrying and start living.

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