Wednesday, October 11, 2017

This One's for all the Beautiful Women

It has been a long while since I have posted anything on my blog, mainly because of how unwell I have been feeling and going through a lot! But I am back now, stronger than ever! Before posting this, I have hesitated a lot... However, I am dedicating this post to all the beautiful women around the world. If you have a mother, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, or grandma please take their health and your health seriously. Do your regular check ups and exams on time. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women daily. It does not have visible signs but it can be manageable. Speaking as a survivor myself, the pain and risks that we go through make it totally worth it to spread the awareness and make this process better for the loved ones around us. Cheers to all the strong women battling against a condition around the word! 

Individuality: un-brainwashed & un-controlled هویت


كاش مى شد به مقصد رسيد

كاش مىشد سپىده دم را ديد

كاش ميون بايد ها و نبايد ها
مي شد به هويت خود پى برد

كاش ما آدم ها به جاى كينه

مي ساختيم خانه اي از آيينه

مي سپردىم دلو به دريا

به دور از ترس فرداها

كاش مى گرفتى دستم را محكم

پىدا مى كرديم مهررا مستحكم

به دور از هياهوهي اين شهر ها

دنيايي مىساختيم پر از رويا ها

|spontaneous| |changes|

Often times we are so inclined towards resisting change that we miss the opportunity when it passes by. Human nature is naturally driven towards wanting to do the same thing over and over again; hence why we fear the change and even worse, we resist it. It is the act of uncertainty that forces us to stay in our comfort zone with the old habits without believing that we are missing the chance to accomplish greater things. We need to welcome spontaneous changes into our lives and cherish it more. Change is good, change is necessary!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Unknown good

It's the unknown good that touches most hearts and turns peoples' lives into blissful moments... not the good that you post on social media or brag about. If you really want to make someone happy, silently do something good for them and ask nothing in return. You will feel happier than ever as karma always does its work!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Every end is a new beginning

As I was walking past by crowds of people shopping last minute for the holidays, I couldn't help but wonder how quickly 2015 passed by... Then I started reflecting on the happy and sad moments, numerous experiences, and I decided I wanted to be thought free. I just didn't want to hold anything in my heart so it would be ready for the new beginnings and my mind free of unnecessary thoughts to sink in the positive vibe. This is to an awesome new year to come: hope everyone has their wishes fulfilled and a joyous journey this year! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Do something for someone that can not pay you back

And sometimes it's more about giving than receiving. The fulfillment of doing something good for someone that can not pay you back! So proud of my school's MBA association for organizing holiday toy drive.