Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strong, happy, spontaneous

Later today I got thinking about encounters: how many times do we get to live? More than once? Life's too short to worry about ''what if's'' and ''buts''...grab someone that you love today and kiss them real hard, passionate! You never know what gift you might get tomorrow, but you know you got today:

Be strong ✔️, be happy ✔️, be spontaneous ✔️

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I enjoy jotting down the lists, I also enjoy crossing them off... Why? Cause I'm probably the best person to multitask and the first one to forget things; ironic enough, I arrive to work 10-15 minutes late on a usual basis with a shrugging smile on my face while crawling apologetically to my desk in front of my boss. But another certain thing that I am good at is to never disappoint someone and conduct tasks with a great passion and love... Even if it takes FOREVER! After all, I think that is pretty much the main reason why I do not get fired, right? :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Definition: Equal political, economic, and social rights for women, collective intelligence through education and employment. I am highly convinced that parents should teach their daughters to be smart instead of growing up competing over guys and worse than that, lack of sexual confidence... A woman does not need a man to define herself sexually, but rather complete her soul, make her a better human being! To me, it is more important to have well-educated civilized women who are aware of their sexuality rather than preparing them just for marriage and the basics. Women should empower each other more instead of hating others, after all it comes down to confidence in oppose to insecurity.