Monday, December 30, 2013


Why do we cling so tight to old friendships? I mean not that we are afraid of losing but oh-so-not-ready-to-start-over sometimes haunts us doesn't it? Are we becoming more vulnerable as adults? And it's even worse when we get older; cause we get to value the antique, familiar, comfortable ''stuff'' way better than sceptical new paths... But as a kid, for some reasons I liked the smell of my old books over the new ones.

As 2014 approaches, I give decisions a second thought. Hmmm cheers everyone and happy not start-overs-but-holding-on-to-oldies!! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

Today I felt great! More than great, I felt amazing... I'm having difficulty describing it by oh-I-am-running-out-of-words; I volunteered for a fundraiser cause to help needy/homeless people. After I came back home, I felt super light; liks there was nothing inside of me: clean and clear... So fresh: like a new beginning!!

My advice to you: do something for someone that can do nothing for you. It is a rewarding self-satisfactory feeling. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

I'd rather be t|i|r|e|d

I know I haven't written for a while, my mind has been cluttered from all of finals, and my body exhausted; but no matter how tired you are, it is important to keep in mind that you are way ahead than those who are bot trying!! Keep your head up and cheers to a great W•E•E•K•E•N•D

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mad respect for this guy!

ain't no hater but makes me wonder what did Beyoncé or Kim K do to deserve ''most searched people of 2013'' titles? I think our society got it all wrong... Looks || are ||not ||everything


If you didn't know, now you know the smartest person on earth is disabled.