Monday, December 30, 2013


Why do we cling so tight to old friendships? I mean not that we are afraid of losing but oh-so-not-ready-to-start-over sometimes haunts us doesn't it? Are we becoming more vulnerable as adults? And it's even worse when we get older; cause we get to value the antique, familiar, comfortable ''stuff'' way better than sceptical new paths... But as a kid, for some reasons I liked the smell of my old books over the new ones.

As 2014 approaches, I give decisions a second thought. Hmmm cheers everyone and happy not start-overs-but-holding-on-to-oldies!! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

Today I felt great! More than great, I felt amazing... I'm having difficulty describing it by oh-I-am-running-out-of-words; I volunteered for a fundraiser cause to help needy/homeless people. After I came back home, I felt super light; liks there was nothing inside of me: clean and clear... So fresh: like a new beginning!!

My advice to you: do something for someone that can do nothing for you. It is a rewarding self-satisfactory feeling. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

I'd rather be t|i|r|e|d

I know I haven't written for a while, my mind has been cluttered from all of finals, and my body exhausted; but no matter how tired you are, it is important to keep in mind that you are way ahead than those who are bot trying!! Keep your head up and cheers to a great W•E•E•K•E•N•D

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mad respect for this guy!

ain't no hater but makes me wonder what did Beyoncé or Kim K do to deserve ''most searched people of 2013'' titles? I think our society got it all wrong... Looks || are ||not ||everything


If you didn't know, now you know the smartest person on earth is disabled. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Never give up!

Even though there might be plenty of days when you would feel things are not going your way or you are losing focus, but the important factor is to remain strong and positive! What if you have been told that you do not have any other choice but to succeed... How would you act differently?

Sunday, November 17, 2013


And today I am cordially thankful to those who came in my life and stayed| This is a dedication to the ones who appreciate how much effort I put on a daily basis to move forward in my life and achieve my goals even if I was not able to fulfill their dreams and expectations every time| those whom I learnt something from| those who encourage me to be my best even when things don't go right| the ones who saw the beauty in me even in my ugliest moments| I am beyond blessed to have those lovely people around me who are a TRUE reflection, correcting me when I am wrong|
God bless 🙏 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mr. Big

My all time favorite couple:

Carrie Bradshaw's mind: 
-Was seeing him again a mistake? Was waiting for him a mistake? 💭

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Remain positive!


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your fear is your biggest enemy

Practice to turn your fear into pleasure... This is about the time when doing something gets easier and enjoyable! Have some fun with it! Here is a tip: start with small easier tasks to obtain the small wins strategy feeling; then move onto the more complicated tasks. Even better, group them into small portions of easier tasks. Once accomplished, you are ready to move onto the bigger obligations... Remember: great leaders always know how to prioritize and manage their life.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Feed your mind, starve your ego.

I don't care who you are, if your shoes cost thousands of dollars, if you know this celebrity, or know that person... What I do care is about your MIND and whatever originates from it. The passion and the care that you genuinely radiate for the man kind; the way you talk, your manners, the way you think is what stimulates me. So stop thinking of impressing others by all the Gucci Guccis and fancy kar keys! What do you have to offer besides that? What stays after all of that bling bling is removed from you? That is what attracts me towards you... Your unconditional, weird, crazy, spontaneous, mooshy mooshy mind my friend. Think about it!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Read, Read, and more Read!

Why is it important for you to read?

Just knowing the titles or checking off your social media read list is not enough... Research shows that reading stimulates your brain and therefore it facilitates your thinking process. You are unconsciously exercising your brain cells when you add up to your general knowledge, which can be very impressive by the way. The way people look at you nowadays is the way that your "mind" is shaped and not your looks nor the car that you drive or the house that you own. Find something that you like to do today and pursue that; life is too short to waste by thinking and not taking on actions. Step by step, reading is going to lead you to your journey towards other countries and soon you will find yourself attracted to different cultures of the world, Dr. Seuss knows better.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dream Big, Stay Confident!

 Don’t just have a dream! Do the dream...
Success is a belief, inner feeling, a true state of mind, self-satisfaction in an awake soul...and the list can go on forever but you need to experience it, achieve, watch, learn...true bliss occurs as a result of self-development and self-contentment . Stay away from greed, comparing yourself to others, depression, and jealousy. Be happy with who you are and what you have not what you want to be or wish for! Always keep your dreams big and display them, a high self confidence is the key so believe in yourself and your abilities, don't be afraid of your fear don't let it get to you; for instance, do not let anyone touch your dreams. Instead, be the master of your own universe.